Night 1 2012/13 Street Sedan Title Completed
30/09/12…Pam Franz
Night one of the 2012/13 Street Sedan Title has been completed at the Kingaroy Showgrounds in less than desirable weather. Rain delayed the meeting by approximately an hour last night as a very light drizzle came over the area. Just enough moisture fell to ensure a stop in the proceedings. South Burnett officials worked tirelessly to get the track back into tip top condition to ensure the meeting could continue.
Due to a technical problem in the transponder system (the decoder has failed) we were unable to transponder last night, however, manual lap scoring is still an integral part of any race meeting with QSCA Official involvement and thanks to Nely Cornelissen’s lap scoring skills all racing was recorded accurately. Steps have been taken today to ensure a loan decoder will be in place tonight and last nights results have been manually input into the transpondering system to enable a smooth continuation tonight of the racing for all. Results are uploaded to as per normal but with no lap charts or lap times available.
The QSCA would like to take this opportunity to thank the Super Sedan Association for the loan of their decoder for tonights racing.
Points after night 1 for the Street Sedan Title are: Brody Thomsen, 87, Moz Woodrow 81, Ben Stead 73, Adrian Stott 72, Aaron Sander 69, Neil Keldoulis 66, Steve Thomsen 63, Josh Arthur 59, Chris Elliot 58, Josh Harm 53, Tim Atkin 51, Michele Blavius 49, Wayne Laverty 48, Daniel Henshaw 46, Brendan O’Gorman 44, Brad Yarrow 44, Kent Shelford 42, Richie Woodrow 39, Dion Wood 38, Lester Wilcox 33, Doug Rigby 28, Aaron Seiler 27, Rodney Midolo 27, Kristian Walker 27, Gary Harris 25, Jamie Phipps 21, Deon Cook 19, Jim Cowley 18, Malcolm Kernke 18, Jason Schloss 16, Bradley Hoadley 13, Max Marshall 7, Tyler Mertin 7, Jason Protheroe 4, Taran Knowles 2.
4 Cylinder Sedans Gold Cup points after night 1 – James Elliott 100, Alistair Mathers 100, Gary Cartwright 74, TJ Horne 70, Sue Healey 64, Mark Bowden 56, Dean Burke 54, Dan Smith 51, Trevor Brown 46, Brock Hancock 42, Ray Allen 40, Mark Kelly 33, Thomas Fuller 29, Jeffrey Love 26, Andrew Denham 23, Josh Arthur 5
Junior Sedans points after night 1 – Stephen English 95, James Kennedy 77, Jayden Peacock 77, Brendan Learoyd 73, Patrick Brennan 73, Joel Berkley 64, Hayden Turner 63, Damon Johnson 54, Michael Learoyd 47, Simon Walker 42, Hayden Jones 40, Joshua Schultz 36, Brendan Webber 31, Carter Armstrong 26, Terri-Anne Rowe 24, Jordan Wilson 221, Aimee Gibson 18, Matthew Deen 15.
Night 2 of the meeting will continue this afternoon with racing from 4pm. The format of the meeting tonight is more heat racing for the above 3 divisions and the addition of the fast and furious Modified Productions.