Jayden Peacock wins Sth Australian Junior Sedan Title
24/02/13…Pam Franz
Junior Sedan driver Jayden Peacock travelled to Bordertown Speedway in South Australia to compete in the 2013 SA Junior Sedan Title – after winning all 3 heats Jayden started from pole position and went on to win his second major title event this season. The race was not without its drama having to endure a 20 minute break in the race when the ambulance was required to leave the track to attend to an incident off track. Even after this interruption Jayden was able to get back to the task at hand and win the event.
Congratulations to Jayden on his brilliant drive, to the Peacock family and sponsors for enabling Jayden to race far away from home and to R&D Chassis for building Jayden a winning car.
Jayden’s next major event is the Qld Junior Sedan Title at Moranbah in central Queensland on 9th March, 2013.