Gannon Resigns from QSCA President Role
03/10/11…Pam Franz
It was with mixed emotions that the QSCA Committee of Management reluctantly accepted the resignation of long time President Paul Gannon on Sunday 2nd October, 2011.
Paul has been a part of the management of the QSCA for the best part of 20 years. Paul has held numerous roles from Southern Zone Representative, Vice President 1996-1999 and President from 1999 to 2011. It was well known within the Committee of Management that Paul had his sights set on being the Chief Executive Officer of the ASCF/Speedway Sedans for some time believing that he had a great deal to offer the speedway fraternity. Although Paul’s success at the recent AGM of the ASCF/Speedway Sedans meeting in early September was the first step in ending his Presidency of the QSCA the Committee Of Management were prepared to relinquish Paul’s input at this time. Paul will remain a registered Steward and Scrutineer through the QSCA will be seen at tracks in his regular role of registered Official.
Add to the above contribution to speedway in Qld – Paul also is the track commentator for Gympie’s Mothar Mountain Speedway and will continue to be attendance at every meeting he possibly can to continue this tradition which began almost 30 years ago.
Jim Cowley who has held the role of Vice President since 1999 has accepted the position of Acting President for the remainder of the 2011/12 season until the next AGM. State Chief Steward Allan Jennings has accepted the role of Acting Vice President for the same period of time. All other positions remain unchanged at this time.