Super Street Sedan Title – Kingaroy 19th March
15/03/11…Pam Franz
The 2011 Super Street Sedan title will be hosted this weekend by South Burnett Speedway Club at the picturesque revamped Kingaroy Showgrounds circuit. 29 nominations are to hand for this event headed by defending Champion Neil Keldoulis who will be hoping to have a change in his luck this weekend. Since winning the Title at Maryborough last June Keldoulis has had on-going engine problems which has seen him retiring early on most race nights.
Scrutineering times for this event are as follows:
11.00am Mark Calvert
11.00am Daniel Evans
11.10am Josh Harm
11.10am Neil Harm
11.20am TJ Horne
11.20am Jason Protheroe
11.30am Graham Beer
11.30am Richard Brosnan
11.40am Michael Budgen
11.40am Mick Budgen
11.50am Steve Cook
11.50am Liam Green
12.00pm Trent Humphreys
12.00pm Shane Reynolds
12.10pm Tegan Jennings
12.10pm Bradley Jennings
12.20pm Jason Flikweert
12.20pm Neil Keldoulis
12.30pm Jessica Raymont
12.30pm Kent Shelford
12.40pm Scott Thomsen
12.40pm Steve Thomsen
12.50pm Nick Cook
12.50pm Tyler Mertin
1.00pm Chris Pendry
1.00pm Brad Scorgie
1.10pm Antony Gaunt
1.10pm Warren Johnson
1.10pm Adrian Stott