QSCA Inc Westco Trucks sponsored Modified Production State Title – Cairns
06/06/2009 – Terese Lange
5.00pm – Official scratching – RK12 Ross Welby
Drivers briefing taking place in the pits now.
Competitors who have made the trek to Cairns woke to a clear crisp morning in tropical North QLD, scrutineering commenced at 11.00am with a steady roll up of cars.
Known scratchings to date from the original nominations are: Gavan Fletcher, David Jacobi & Jeremy Beer, Ross Welby
Grid Draws were finalised live at the calcutta.
Round 1 Heat 1
1. C13 Steve Cook, 2. CN9 Graham Kleinhans, 3. CN81 Shane Mitchell, 4. L6 Steve Downes, 5. B3 Gary Maroske, 6. Q1 Todd Doyle, 7. T19 Wayne Gilroy, 8. G5 Brett Baxter, 9.G28 Aidan Raymont, 10. SC71 Troy Ware
Results: 1st C13 Steve Cook, 2nd. Q1 Todd Doyle, 3rd. CNS81 Shane Mitchell, 4th. G28 Aidan Raymont, 5th. T19 Wayne Gilroy, 6th. G5 Brett Baxter, 7th. B3 Garry Marokse, 8th. SC71 Troy Ware, 9th. CNS69 Graham Kleinhans, 10th L6 Steve Downes
Fastest Lap Time: SC71 Troy Ware 17.163
Heat 2.
1. T66 Ross Bullimore, 2. SC22 Steve Price, 3. SC86 Darren Pearson, 4. SC0 Paul O’Neill, 5. CR27 Shane McDonald, 6. G4 Glenn Pagel, 7. RK11 Darryl Etherden, 8. CN76 Tony Anderson, 9. MK2 Jason Boss, 10. B42 Mark Ferguson
Results: 1st SC22 Steve Price, 2nd. T66 Ross Bullimore, 3rd. CR27 Shane McDonald, 4th. RK11 Darryl Etherden, 5th. SC86 Darren Pearson, 6th. MK2 Jason Boss, 7th. G4 Glenn Pagel, 8th. B42 Mark Ferguson, 9th. CNS76 Tony Anderson, 10th SC0 Paul O’Neill
Fastest lap time: SC22 Steve Price 16.928
Heat 3.
1. SC17 Lee Steffans, 2. CN9 Russell Equinox, 3. C24 Dale Grotherr, 4. CN21 Johnno Collins, 5. CN4 Dave Manly, 6. T15 Chris Jensen, 7. SC37 Rodney Midolo, 8. MK55 Adrian Aslette, 9. BB81 Dennis Shallcross, 10. CN8 Scott Vella
Results: 1st. CNS21 Johnno Collins, 2nd. T15 Chris Jensen, 3rd. SC37 Rodney Midolo, 4th. BB81 Dennis Shallcross, 5th CNS4 Dave Manley, 6th. SC17 Lee Steffans, 7th. MK55 Adrian Aslette, 8th. CNS8 Scott Vella
DNS CNS9 Russell Equinox, C24 Dale Grotherr
Fastest Lap time: CNS21 Johnno Collins 16.980
Heat 4:
1. CN99 Ray Marshall, 2. G11 Gavin Lorensen, 3. CN5 Max Bennetts, 4. CR8 Rodney Pammenter, 5. M46 Steven Zahl, 6. RK12 Ross Welby, 7. C14 Trent Humphries, 8. G27 Mark Raymont, 9. C10 Warren Lawrence, 10. CN34 Troy Gerchow
Results: 1st. CNS99 Ray Marshall, 2nd. CR8 Rodney Pammenter, 3rd. G11 Gavin Lorensen, 4th. CNS5 Max Bennetts, 5th M46 Steven Zahl, 6th C14 Trent Humphries, 7th C10 Warren Lawrence, 8th. CNS34 Troy Gerchow.
DNS G27 Mark Raymont (car on infield wouldnt fire), RK12 Ross Welby.
Round 2 – Heat 5
1. B42 Mark Ferguson, 2. CR27 Shane McDonald, 3. T19 Wayne Gilroy, 4. CN4 Dave Manly, 5. G5 Brett Baxter, 6. CN76 Tony Anderson, 7. C13 Steve Cook, 8. B3 Garry Maroske, 9. SC86 Darren Pearson, 10. CN8 Scott Vella
Results: 1st. CR27 Shane McDonald, 2nd B42 Mark Ferguson, 3rd. T19 Wayne Gilroy, 4th. C13 Steve Cook, 5th B3 Garry Maroske, 6th. CNS76 Tony Anderson, 7th Dave Manly, 8th. G5 Brett Baxter.
DNS SC86 Darren Pearson, CNS8 Scott Vella
Heat 6
1. C14 Trent Humphries, 2. G27 Mark Raymont, 3. MK55 Adrian Aslette, 4. Q1 Todd Doyle, 5. BB81 Dennis Shallcross, 6. T66 Ross Bullimore, 7. SC22 Steve Price, 8. CN81 Shane Mitchell, 9. C24 Dale Grotherr, 10. L6 Steve Downes
Results: 1st. G27 Mark Raymont, 2nd. BB81 Dennis Shallcross, 3rd. T66 Ross Bullimore, 4th Q1 Todd Doyle, 5th CNS81 Shane Mitchell, 6th. L6 Steve Downes, 7th SC22 Steve Price, 8th C14 Trent Humphries
DNS MK55 Adrian Aslette, C24 Dale Grotherr
Heat 7.
1. SC37 Rodney Midolo, 2. RK11 Darryl Etherden, 3 RK12 Ross Welby, 4. G28 Aiden Raymont, 5. CN21 Johnno Collins, 6. CR8 Rodney Pammenter, 7. CN69 Graham Kleinhans, 8. M46 Steven Zahl, 9. CN99 Ray Marshall, 10. SC17 Lee Steffans
Results: 1st. RK11 Darryl Etherden, 2nd. CNS21 Johnno Collins, 3rd. CR8 Rodney Pammenter, 4th. G28 Aidan Raymont, 5th. M46 Steven Zahl, 6th. SC37 Rodney Midolo, 7th. CNS99 Ray Marshall, 8th. CNS69 Graham Kleinhans, 9th. SC17 Lee Steffans
DNS RK12 Ross Welby
Fastest Lap CR8 Rodney Pammenter 16.932
Heat 8.
1. SC71 Troy Ware, 2. MK2 Jason Boss, 3. G4 Glenn Pagel, 4. C10 Warren Lawrence, 5. SC10 Paul O’Neill, 6. G11 Gavin Lorensen, 7. CN5 Max Bennetts, 8. T15 Chris Jensen, 9. CN9 Russell Equinox, 10. CN34 Troy Gerchow
Results: 1st. SC71 Troy Ware, 2nd. G4 Glenn Pagel, 3rd. MK2 Jason Boss, 4th. CNS5 Max Bennetts, 5th. C10 Warren Lawence, 6th. SC0 Paul O’Neill, 7th. CNS34 Troy Gerchow, 8th. G11 Gavin Lorensen
DNF: CNS9 Russell Equinox, T15 Chris Jensen
Round 3 – Heat 9
1. MK55 Adrian Aslette, 2. CN21 Johnno Collins, 3. CN69 Graham Kleinhans, 4. SC22 Steve Price, 5. L6 Steve Downes, 6. CR27 Shane McDonald, 7. G27 Mark Raymont, 8. SC37 Rodney Midolo, 9. T66 Ross Bullimore, 10. CN8 Scott Vella.
Results: 1st. CNS21 Johnno Collins, 2nd. SC22 Steve Price, 3rd. CR27 Shane McDonald, 4th MK55 Adrian Aslette, 5th. G27 Mark Raymont, 6th. CNS69 Graham Kleinhans, 7th. SC37 Rodney Midolo, 8th. T66 Ross Bullimore, 9th CNS8 Scott Vella, 10th L6 Steve Downes
Fastest Lap Time: G27 Mark Raymont 17.040
Heat 10
1. C24 Dale Grotherr, 2. CN4 Dave Manly, 3. RK11 Darryl Etherden, 4. CN9 Russell Equinox, 5. T15 Chris Jensen, 6. M46 Steven Zahl, 7. CN99 Ray Marshall, 8. C13 Steve Cook, 9. SC0 Paul O’Neill, 10. Q1 Todd Doyle
Results: 1st. RK11 Darryl Etherden, 2nd. C24 Dale Grotherr, 3rd. M46 Steven Zahl, 4th. Q1 Todd Doyle, 5th. CNS99 Ray Marshall, 6th. CNS4 Dave Manly, 7th. SC0 Paul O’Neill, 8th. C13 Steve Cook
DNS T15 Chris Jensen, CNS9 Russell Equinox.
Heat 11
1. G5 Brett Baxter, 2. G28 Aiden Raymont, 3. SC17 Lee Steffans, 4. MK2 Jason Boss, 5. G11 Gavin Lorensen, 6. BB81 Dennis Shallcross, 7. G4 Glenn Pagel, 8. CR8 Rodney Pammenter, 9. C14 Trent Humphries, 10. CN34 Troy Gerchow
Results: 1st. G5 Brett Baxter, 2nd. BB81 Dennis Shallcross, 3rd. G11 Gavin Lorensen, 4th. CR8 Rodney Pammenter, 5th G4 Glenn Pagel, 6th. C14 Trent Humphries, 7th. MK2 Jason Boss, 8th. SC17 Lee Steffans, 9th. CNS34 Troy Gerchow
DNF G28 Aidan Raymont
Fastest Lap time: MK2 Jason Boss 17.008
Heat 12.
1. C10 Warren Lawrence, 2. CN5 Max Bennetts, 3. SC71 Troy Ware, 4. CN76 Tony Anderson, 5. SC86 Darren Pearson, 6. B3 Gary Maroske, 7. RK12 Ross Welby, 8. B42 Mark Ferguson, 9. CN81 Shane Mitchell, 10. T19 Wayne Gilroy
Results: 1st SC71 Troy Ware, 2nd CNS5 Max Bennetts, 3rd. C10 Warren Lawrence, 4th. SC86 Darren Pearson, 5th T19 Wayne Gilroy, 6th B42 Mark Ferguson, 7th. CNS81 Shane Mitchell, 8th. B3 Garry Moroske, 9th. CNS76 Tony Anderson
DNS RK12 Ross Welby
Points after Round 3
1. CNS21 Johnno Collins 100, 2.RK11 Darryl Etherden 89, 3. CR27 Shane McDonald 82, 4. SC71 Troy Ware 78, 5. BB81 Dennis Shallcross 73, 6. SC22 Steve Price 72, 7. CR8 Rodney Pammenter 68, 8. CNS5 Max Bennetts 62, 9.Q1 Todd Doyle 62, 10. C13 Steve Cook 59, 11. CNS99 Ray Marshall 57, 12. T66 Ross Bullimore 57, 13.G5 Brett Baxter 52, 14. G11 Gavin Lorensen 52, 15. Mark Raymont 49 , 16. G4 GLenn Pagel 49, 17. 19 Wayne Gilroy 49, 18. 46 Steven Zahl 49, 19. C10 Warren Lawrence 44, 20. CNS81 Shane Mitchell 44, 21. B42 Mark Ferguson 44, 22. MK2 Jason Boss 41, 23. SC37 Rodney Midolo 41, 24. G28 Aidan Raymont 34, 25. CNS4 Dave Manly 31, 26. SC86 Darren Pearson 30, 27. T15 Chris Jensen 28, 28. C24 Dale Grotherr 28, 29. B3 Garry Maroske 27, 30. C14 Trent Humphries 26, 31. MK55 Adrian Aslette 25, 31. SC0 Paul O’Neill 22, 32. SC17 Lee Steffans 21, 33. CNS69 Graham Kleinhans 21, 34. CNS76 Tony Anderson 20, 35. CNS34 Russell Equinox 18, 36. L6 Steve Downes 18, 37. CNS8 Scott Vella 11