Super Street Title Scrutineering Times Released
18/05/11…Pam Franz
The 2010/11 Super Street Title is re-scheduled to be held at Gympie’s Mothar Mountain Speedway on Saturday, 28th May, 2011. 32 nominations are now to hand for this event which will provide great racing to the attending spectators.
1045 Jason Flikweert
1045 Bradley Jennings
1045 Tegan Jennings
1100 Neil Keldoulis
1100 Stephen-John Lahiff
1100 Nigel Mulvena
1115 Jessica Raymont
1115 Matt Rigby
1115 Lee Steffens
1130 Kent Shelford
1130 Graham Beer
1130 Steve Cook
1145 Trent Humphreys
1145 Shane Reynolds
1145 Shayne Truin
1200 Gary Harris Jnr
1200 Richard Brosnan
1200 Tyler Mertin
1215 Scott Thomsen
1215 Steve Thomsen
1215 Mark Calvert
1215 Daniel Evans
1230 Josh Harm
1230 TJ Horne
1230 Jason Kregenbrink
1245 Brad Scorgie
1245 Nick Cook
1245 Chris Pendry
1245 Kriss Warry
100 Peter Walker
100 Antony Gaunt
100 Warren Johnson
All competitors in this event are reminded that you must present your Race Gear at scrutineering for both the driver and passenger – please ensure you have checked your gear prior to this event and that it complies with the list on Pages 52/53 of the 2009 Australian Speedway Racing Rules & Regulations book. Your Race Suit MUST have a visible SFI rating of 3.2A/1 minimum. Your boots, balaclava, gloves and underwear MUST have a visible SFI rating of 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000. Your helmet must be full faced, a AS1698 helmet must be no more than 5 years old from the manufacture date or have a compliant Snell rating.