Statement by A Supplier Forms – Explanation
06/10/08…Pam Franz
Any competitor who does not use a registered Australian Business Number (ABN), whether registered for GST or not, is required to supply to any organisation/enterprise that they receive payment from – towmoney, prizemoney, appearance money – A STATEMENT BY A SUPPLIER form. These forms are available on this website on the forms page.
The form is an Australian Tax Office (ATO) form and remains in force for 5 years from the date of supply. This ensures that the organisation you compete for is meeting their ATO requirements. Organisations have an obligation to comply with taxation laws and as such can not legally make payment to anyone without either the supply of a compliant Tax Invoice or a Statement By A Supplier form.
These forms are widely used by persons in all walks of lfe who are ‘paid’ for their efforts of supplying a service or goods to a business entity and are not a registered business entity themselves. There are several options on the form and you must choose one to tick the appropriate box – the correct choice for speedway competitors is the first – ‘The supply is made to you in my capacity as an individual, and the supply is made in the course of an activity that is a private recreational pursuit or hobby.’