Snell Helmet SA-2005 being Phased Out by 1 July 2016
06/08/15…Pam Franz….courtesy of
Competitors, please be aware of this important Safety Equipment Memorandum, regarding changes to the helmet rating system that will effect Speedway Australia’s minimum standards:
RE – SFI Helmet Ratings SA-2015 Launch
Reference – Speedway Australia Racing Rulebook
Annexure D: Minimum Speedway Safety Standards for Apparel
Speedway Australia wishes to advise of a new helmet rating replacement about to come into effect. The SNELL SA Ratings are about to have an update which means there will be a change in the minimum classification acknowledged within Speedway Australia’s accepted minimum standards. The new definition is as follows:
INTRODUCTION – October 1st 2015
The newly formed Snell Rated SA-2015 helmets will be introduced into the accepted category of helmets allowed as of the launch date of October 1st 2015. As we only accept the previous two Snell SA ratings at any one time, this then means the Snell SA-2010 as the previously accepted standard is still ok for competition, but the earlier Snell SA-2005 rating will now be phased out.
PHASE OUT – July 1st 2016
Speedway Australia wishes to advise that the Snell SA-2005 Rated helmets will be phased out and no longer be accepted as a minimum standard as of JULY 1st 2016.
It is important to note that all competitors should also check any division specifications that may supersede Speedway Australia minimum standards in regards to helmet ratings.
For any further information feel free to contact Speedway Australia Risk Management officer Shane Collins on 08 8139 0777 or at