Race Track Safety Requirements
04/07/12…Pam Franz…..courtesy of www.speedwayaustralia.net.au Press Release dated – Jul 2, 2012 by Speedway Australia Head Office
Speedway Australia GM Dale Gilson, Risk Management Officer Shane Collins and Speedway NSW recently joined a range of motorsport representatives at the New South Wales Sport & Recreation Work Place Safety Conference.
Mr Graham Coulton of the NSW Sport & Recreation Department coordinated the meeting, which included Work Cover NSW representatives Les Blake and David Wilson presenting important information about the harmonization of new Occupational Health & Safety laws across Australia.
Under the new Work Health & Safety (WHS) laws (effective January 1 2012), the term ‘employers’ will be replaced by ‘persons conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU) and ‘employees’ will be replaced by ‘workers’.
A ‘worker’ can be anyone from a work-experience student, an employee, sub contractor or a volunteer. The PCBU is defined as having a primary duty of care to ensure the health and safety of workers and others as is reasonably practicable.
The clarification of the legislation reinforces the structure that Speedway Australia already has in place for venues across the country.
Speedway Australia’s training and accreditation of key people at all events is officially recognised and approved by the NSW Sport & Recreation Department, providing peace of mind for Speedway venues and their workers.
It was noted at the meeting that not all states in Australia have imposed the new legislation, but the changes are coming.
“With some states yet to take up the new legislation, it is important that all tracks understand their position,” noted Risk Management Officer Shane Collins.
“Track Operator Manual updates will cover most work positions (updates to be distributed soon), but it is highly recommended to all venues and clubs that if they do not have written procedures in place, they do so soon or contact Speedway Australia for assistance.”
“Please contact your state Work Cover branch or contact Speedway Australia and we will help to locate the information relevant to you.”
Speedway Australia through its state branches remains committed to training and accreditation of all people within the sport of Speedway and the outcomes of the conference continue to reinforce the push for unity and ongoing improvement in training and accreditation nationally.
Should you have further questions or require more information regarding the new Work Health & Safety laws and how they apply to Speedway, please contact Risk Management Officer Shane Collins on (08) 8139 0777 or via riskmanagement@speedwayaustralia.net.au.