QSCA Inc State Super Sedan Title – KANE TAKES THE WIN

Terese Lange 04/05/2008

Darren Kane was victorious at Mothar Mountain Speedway Gympie winning a great feature race from Steve Jordan and Matt Pascoe.

16 of the original 21 starters crossed to take the flag, in what was an exciting final to an action packed weekend. Due to the anticipated cold weather (its often freezing in Gympie this time of the year) the Gympie club started on time to ensure an earlier finish to beat the Gympie fog which has a habit of enveloping the track around 9.30/10.00pm on cooler nights.

Spectators knew they were in for excitement once Pascoe rounded up the lapped cars and caught up to challenge the leaders, anticipation was high when with 2 laps to go the orange light came on. As he came to take the final flag Darren Kane’s car passed the tower on 3 wheels almost in salute to the spectators.

Unofficial results – Officials placings still to be confirmed.

1. SSA35 Darren Kane, 2. B10 Steve Jordan, 3. B15 Matt Pascoe, 4. G47 Tim O’Shea, 5. MK5 Darren Hawkings, 6. SSA18 Peter Warren, 7. SSA77 Chris Albert, 8. RK23 Craig Torr, 9. SSA15 Gavin Northfield, 10. RK2 Michael Tomkins, 11. SSA74 Alan Robertson, 12. C35 Geoff O’Keeffe, 13. SSA47 Barry Craft, 14. BB27 Russell Dobson, 15. C53 Frank Armstrong, 16. C6 Alex Jenner

DNF VIC16 Ash Bergmeier, RK74 Chris Bussey, B43 Dean Hawkins, EC46 Lee Noon, G13 Don Birt

MyLaps uploaded.

Post race C53 Frank Armstrong discussed with Transponder operators & Chief Steward his place in the flield, as he believed he should have been recorded higher in the final placings. Positions 12 to 16 are subject to a lap by lap check with the lapscorers and transponder operators over the coming days. Updated final placings will be added once known. Placings posted above are as recorded by the transponders at race completition.