Qld Super Sedan Title
07/03/12…Pam Franz…updated 09/03/12…updated 14/03/12…updated 23/03/12
The Qld Super Sedan Title will be held at Charlton Raceway on Friday and Saturday 6th & 7th April (Easter). Nominations for this event close on Friday 9th March.
30 Nominations to hand so far – Barry Craft, Steve Jordan, Darren Kane, Greg Maher, Colin Moss, Matty Pascoe, Jack Childs, Paul Geary, Dempsie Pails, Bevan Collins,Jason Campbell, Steve Pearce, Ian Brims, Rodney Craft, Wayne Randall, Michael Hally, Sean Black, Mark Pagel, David Musch, Shayne Lau, Craig Torr, Michael Doblo, Adam Bradford, Jye O’Brien, Des Korn, Dale Christensen, Digger McCallum, Matthew Williams, Gary Pagel, Tania Smith
If you have sent your nomination and your name is not on this list please contact Pam on 0417 137 740 as soon as possible.