Qld Junior Sedan Title – Scrutineering Times
16/02/12…Pam Franz
The nomination list and scrutineering times for the 2012 Qld Junior Sedan Title being held at Kingaroy on Saturday 3rd March 2012 are as below. This list has been forwarded via Australia Post to all nominated drivers.
10.30 SB51 Hayden Jones 10.30 SB11 Jordan Wilson
10.40 NT1 Tim Smith 10.40 CR46 Matty Smith
10.50 CR68 Nic Moncrief 10.50 C82 Terri-Anne Rowe
11.00 G22 Stephen English 11.00 G97 Patrick Brennan
11.10 G66 Brendan Learoyd 11.10 Q1 Michael Learoyd
11.20 G94 Kellie Pagel 11.20 C21 Carter Armstrong
11.30 C43 Joshua Schultz 11.30 C9 Joel Berkley
11.40 C28 Dan Smith 11.40 C23 Billy Duffield
11.50 BB13 Rachel Jenkins 11.50 BB30 Brad Scherer
Lunch for Officials
12.40 C76 James Kennedy 12.40 C74 Jayden Peacock
12.50 C47 Dillon Whitford 12.50 C99 Jack Kay
1.00 B32 Brody Fraser-McGee 1.00 B38 Maddi McGee
1.10 M8 Brody Thomsen 1.10 B42 Jordan Ferguson
1.20 M71 Aimee Gibson 1.20 B61 Will Muir
1.30 C77 Sam Roza 1.30 C93 Jessica O’Neill
1.40 MK5 Robert Hawkings 1.40 M26 Brooke Collins
1.50 SA5 Jesse Arthur 1.50 GL2 Brooke Etherden
2.00 MK2 Brodie Boss 2.00 MK25 Brandon Atto
2.10 G84 Hayden Turner 2.10 RK52 Daniel Johnson