Qld Junior Sedan Title at Lockyer Valley Speedway this Saturday
05/02/15…Pam Franz….courtesy of www.speedwaysedans.com
The Lockyer Valley Speedway will play host to 44 Junior Sedans this Saturday night, with the Queensland Junior Sedan Title.
The field includes drivers from four States, including Australian Champion Brock Atkins, who is also the Tasmanian and Victorian Champion, South Australian Champion Brendan Learoyd, who finished third in this event last year, along with South Australian Jack Gartner who was the runner up in the Australian Title.
West Australian Josh Fraser, along with Ardie Jonic, Brooke Etherden, Carter Armstrong, Matty Smith, Maddie McGee and Joel Berkley are just some of those who are likely to figure prominently on the night.
B8 Alex Sweeney, CN33 Andie Wallace , C50 Ardie Jonic, T53 Ashleigh Hardy, B18 Ben Holmes, B42 Ben Taylor, MK2 BJ Muir, G9 Brendan Learoyd, B04 Brendan Robinson, A1 Brock Atkins, RK2 Brooke Etherden,
M27 Bryce Lack,C21 Carter Armstrong, BB21 Casey Collins, B48 Casey O’Connell, B92 Cody Gay, B49 Cody O’Connell, CR34 Damon Johnston, RK52 Daniel Johnson, C99 Dylan Keen, CN13 Erik Wallace, RK22 Jack Cameron, S17 Jack Gartner, C9 Joel Berkley, W5 Josh Fraser, MK41 Josh Hawkings, C43 Joshua Schultz, C88 Josie Thompson, LV95 Karl Jones, RK42 Katie Storey, SB44 Kipp Barron, BB7 Kiya Schnabel, V46 Kye Walters, B38 Maddi McGee, CR82 Mason Pammenter, CR36 Matty Smith, CR8 Mitchell Pammenter, CR68 Nic Moncrieff, MK5 Robbie Hawkings, C6 Simon Walker, C82 Terri-Ann Rowe, MK61 Thomas Muir, V11 Todd Atkins, B45 Vicki Canfield