Open Invitation to Super Street Competitors
06/03/08…Pam Franz…courtesy of information supplied by Trevor Brown
A group of like-minded speedway enthusiasts and prospective sponsors have had preliminary meetings concerning the future of SUPER STREET SEDAN racing in QLD. It has been decided at the two informal meetings already held that the possibility of forming a registered association to aid in the promotion and decision making of the category be discussed amongst interested parties. This can only be done with the participation of all drivers with intentions of racing Super Street in 2008/2009.
A meeting to gauge driver support for the formation of an association will be held on Sunday 6th April, 2008 at 1570 Coolum Yandina Rd Yandina at 2.00 pm, with a BYO (meat and drinks) BBQ at the conclusion of the meeting. Drivers state wide are encouraged to attend. Those interested people that cannot attend because of distance will have their chance to have their say at a meeting to be arranged at R’ton in April. Both meetings will be chaired by QSCA vice President Jim Cowley,
The agenda will cover:
• Discussions on association formation
• Possible election of office bearers
• Driver minimum payments
• Prize money distribution
• Prospective sponsorship arrangements
• Travel payments
• Participation levels and how these can be increased
• Driving standards
• Dual registrations
Any participants and intending competitors of this category are encouraged to be at this formation meeting to ensure the future of Super Street is viable for clubs and promoters to schedule races in 2008/2009 season.
This is the opportunity for the Super Street drivers to have a say in the direction of their future and in the overall future of Speedway
For and on the behalf of the Formation group
Trevor Brown