NSW 4 Cylinder Title Cancelled

14/02/12…Pam Franz – courtesy of www.speedwaysedans.com

The Executive of the Speedway Sedan Association of NSW reluctantly announce that the NSW Title for National 4 Cylinder Sedans, has been cancelled.

This due to the fact that the Promoter, although initially agreeing for a “National Division title only” has now withdrawn his support.

We wish to express our disappointment as this was the Inaugural title for this division in NSW. We have decided being so late in the season, that the title will not be run this season, but let the division grow in numbers and have the Inaugural title next season. I am sure by next season the numbers will increase as the division although in its infancy, has been shown tremendous support from competitors.

The date and venue will be decided when we attend the promoters’ conference in mid June.

To anyone who has made commitments for the Gunnedah title, please accept our apologies and certainly hope that you will support future titles in NSW.

Ends Release:

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