SSQ Super Street Sedans $100 nomination - $150 late nomination incl GST and non refundable
SSA Junior Sedans $55 nomination - late nomination $150 incl GST and non refundable
SSA Senior Sedans $100 nomination - late nomination $350 incl GST and non refundable
LATE NOMINATIONS: Any nomination received after the above closing date will be deemed to be a late nomination.
1. All entries MUST be via the online nomination system. Entries must be followed up within 3 days with payment of on time nomination fee of $100 or late fee of $150 via EFT to Bank Account: Queensland Saloon Car Assn Inc - Account Number 157104142 BSB: 633000.
2. LATE NOMINATIONS: Any nomination received after the closing date will be deemed to be a late nomination. Any unpaid nominations not received within 3 days of the closing date will also be deemed to be a LATE NOMINATION. LATE NOMINATION FEE IS $150 – this fee applies for all outstanding nominations not paid by Monday 21st October 2024.
3. Driver and passenger (if applicable) must hold and provide for sighting a current Speedway Australia Driver Licence for the appropriate class. One Day Licences are NOT accepted for State title events.
4. The car must carry a current SSQ Inc decal and logbook and be currently registered as a Super Street Sedan.
5. One Car / One Driver only are eligible for this event – Rule 2.1.2
6. Withdrawals must be notified to SSQ Title Co-Ordinator – Pam Franz – 0417 137 740 as soon as possible. Failure to do so will incur a penalty.
7. Prizemoney/tow money will be forwarded directly into your nominated Bank account, usually within 28 days of completion of the Title event, after a full clearance has been given by the Chief Steward / Chief Scrutineer for the event.
8. All drivers must complete the relevant GST Statement as part of the online nomination form. Please note that all, prize or minimum guarantee is stated in gross amounts. Where applicable 1/11th becomes the GST proportion liable.
9. One Way Communicators are mandatory – competitor to supply own One Way Communicator.
10. The use of Transponders is mandatory. Transponders will be available during scrutineering.
11. Post Title race checks are to be done at a time and place as directed by the Title Chief Scrutineer.
12. All Title positions will remain unofficial until all post title race checks have been carried out to the satisfaction of the Title Chief Scrutineer.
13. Competitors and associated Pit Crew/family members are reminded of the Speedway Sedans Queensland and Speedway Sedans Australia and Speedway Australia Code of Conduct and social media Policy.
14. Speedway Sedans Queensland reserves the right to accept or reject any nomination.
15. By completing the nomination form for this event, I understand that the nominated driver and his/her pit crew may appear in visual media (i.e., photographs, video footage) that is undertaken inside the speedway complex and that it remains the property of the media personnel involved.
I also agree to any visual media involving the nominated driver and his/her pit crew to be used by the associated media personnel and/or Speedway Sedans Qld and Host Venue.