National Modified Production Title 2012
19/02/12…Pam Franz
The nomination forms for the 2012 National Modified Production Title being held at Mildura (Vic) at Easter have now been distributed to registered car owners in Qld by the QSCA. If you have an email address please check your email as it has been sent to your last notified email address and for those without a notified email address it has been sent via Australia Post.
Nominations close on WEDNESDAY 7th MARCH 2012 with your State Body – nominations along with the nomination fee are to be sent to QSCA, P.O. Box 298, GYMPIE 4570 – no later than Wednesday 7th March – you will become a late nomination if your nomination is not received at closing. Faxed entries are acceptable as long as they are followed up by the original and payment of nomination fee.
Nominations to date are – Ross Bullimore, Rodney Pammenter, Craig Franz
Please note that due to other major events being held in Mildura at Easter the local club have been requested by the local Council to not hold any speedway on Easter Saturday night.
This means that
Thursday from 7.00am is scrutineering – you will receive allocated scrutineering times in due course
Practice 5.30-7.30pm,
followed by the Calcutta and Grid Draw process in the Mildura Club Rooms at 8pm,
Friday (Good Friday night) is Heat racing
Saturday is no racing at all – time to repair cars and take in the sights of Mildura
Sunday night is the final round of heats and the A,B,C Mains.
Rain Out Date is Monday 9th April, 2012
Each car passing scrutineering will receive 2 complimentary gate passes for all nights.