Important Information from Speedway Australia
22/01/15…Pam Franz
Important information received from Speedway Australia – for all competitors, crews and tracks
Unfortunately there has been an increased number of events recently where competitors are either being allowed or are deceiving situations and then competing at venues while NOT LICENCED.
This is a huge cause for concern to us on many levels such as the venues Liability Insurance is in breach and no cover at all for the competitor, and there could be ramifications to many aspects of the sport and its future.
(EXAMPLE – We had a competitor somehow get through and compete at a venue recently, WE noticed here at the office his licence had expired, we made contact and got his licence renewed and that competitor then crashed at his very next race meeting and broke his back)
? If a competitor cannot produce or provide there Speedway Australia HARD CARD LICENCE at the venue they CANNOT COMPETE
? The only time a HARD CARD LICENCE will not be allowed is when a FAST TRACK has been paid and the Licence will be issued as an EMAILED Copy to the club.
? Only ONE-DAY Licences can be issued by a Paper back form and have Individual licence Number issued with them with a date that MUST BE in conjunction with the race meeting
? NO ONE can compete at a venue or are covered by the Personal Accident scheme with only a Speedway Australia receipt
? Please check the DATE on cards at gate, and enforce your Divisions to Scrutineer Cars to the standards required
? As per Speedway Australia Racing Rules and Regulations Rule 5.5 SCRUTINEERING
– Prior to competing at a Race meeting, all Race Cars MUST be scrutineered by a scrutineer who may be the chief scrutineer or an assistant scrutineer or technical officer who is responsible to the Chief Scrutineer.
– During Scrutineering, the scrutineer’s duties and responsibilities are to check
(A) The validity of the drivers licence
(B) The drivers Infringement card for any current suspensions or unpaid fines
(C) The Race Car’s Log Book for previously issued work orders or outstanding items of non-compliance;
(D) The race car for general compliance with the class specification manual applicable for the relevant racing division
(E) All safety equipment and protective clothing for compliance with the requirements for the relevant racing division
With some recent accidents and issues with NON Licenced people being able to compete at some certain venues we ask that all procedures are checked and we all reacquaint ourselves to the minimum requirements allowed at a Speedway Australia venue.
We must not be sorry for refusing competitors at the gate because they have failed to renew their licence, the price the sport and you personally could pay for forgiveness and compassion and then allowing them to compete far out ways the short term pain you must apply to such situations.
Far too many instances of late, so please revisit this important information with all track staff and divisions at your venue.
If any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.
Kind Regards