Compliance to Speedway Racing Rules & Regulations
26/03/15…Pam Franz
Today Speedway Australia have released a Media release in regards to Rule 7.3 and in particular to Rule 7.3.2 and 7.3.4 – compliance with all of the Speedway Racing Rules and Regulations is imperative for the protection of everyone involved.
SUBJECT: Rule 7.3 – Control of Pit Crew
It has come to the attention of Speedway Australia in the past few weeks that particular elements of Rule 7.3 of the Australian Speedway Racing Rules & Regulations are not being followed correctly.
Speedway Australia would like to remind everyone of the importance of adhering to Rules 7.3.2 and 7.3.4, as per below:
So that the Pit Crew Members for which a Driver is responsible are known and documented, at scrutineering a Driver should submit a list of their Pit Crew Members. It is desirable that all listed Pit Crew Members are in possession of a current Licence. Licence numbers should be included on the list.
From July 1st 2014, any parent or guardian of a junior driver must hold a Speedway Australia licence. These licences will be offered as a ‘non-competitive’ licence.
Of particular concern is the consistent breaches of Rule 7.3.4. This rule is not negotiable. For the safety of our junior licence holders, all clubs are asked to ensure that their processes are in place and that the appropriate pre-race checks are done on both the junior driver and the parent/guardian.
If there are any questions relating to this matter, please contact Competitions Manager Rhys Taylor on 08 8139 0777.
Rhys Taylor