2015/16 Season Forms Ready
21/06/15…Pam Franz
All the new paperwork required has been uploaded to the forms page on the website for the 2015/16 season. You will notice there are some small changes to the forms and also the processes.
From this season every State is using the same forms for the registration of a car and the application for an infringement card to race. Costs vary state to state dependent on the individual state requirements. In Queensland the cost the register your SSA Sedan has reduced $15 in the 2015/16 season due to no longer supplying printed copies of the Specifications.
From the start of the 2015/16 season Officials (Stewards and Scrutineers) will be nationally registered to Speedway Sedans Australia – it is a requirement that all Stewards and Scrutineers working with SSA divisions MUST be registered through the National Officials Registration system. If as an Official you also work in other divisions you must ensure that you meet their requirements seperately.
Other Officials – Pit Marshalls – Lap Scorers/Transponder Operators – Race Night Officials – still have the opportunity to be registered Officials through the Qld state based system as always.
If you have any queries please either see your Club Secretary or SSQ Licencing Secretary.