2014 Production Sedan Title – Kingaroy
18/02/2014…Pam Franz…courtesy of www.speedwaysedans.com
The Lucas Oils Kingaroy Speedway will this Saturday night, play host to the biggest State Title for Production Sedans ever held outside of Western Australia.
Forty Nine drivers have entered for the Queensland State Production Sedan Title, which will be a great guide as to who will emerge as a favourite in the Australian Title to be held at Mothar Mountain, Gympie in April.
Racing will commence at 4.00pm EST
Tim Atkin, Frank Packer, Stephen Laidlaw, Andrew Beaton, Ashley Peall, Moz Woodrow, Peter McKeiver, Aaron Broadbridge, Sam Roza, Tim Smith, Lincoln Bath, Luke Edwards, Kristian Walker, Wade Flikweert, Daniel Henshaw, Ryan Kable, Taran Knowles, Jeason Rees, Stephen English, Wayne Slade, Aaron Sander, Josh Crang, Selina English, Doug Rigby, Tiffany O’Keeffe, Kent Shelford, Darren Lyon, Brad Yarrow, Neil Keldoulis, Richard Cook, Malcolm Kernke, Tyler Mertin, Josh Arthur, Matt Hutchison, Brad Hutchison, Mark Quirk, Phillip Louis, Laurie Wicks, Len Klein, Dion Wood, Dannielle Wicks, Robert Johnson, TJ Horne, Jack Stead, Russell Cowley, Michele Blavius, Sarah Franz, Jim Cowley, Jason Herwig,