2012 Qld Street Sedan Title – Gympie – 10/11 March 2012
09/02/12…Pam Franz…10/02/12 updated
The 2012 Qld Street Sedan Title is scheduled for Mothar Mountain Speedway, Gympie on Saturday and Sunday nights 10/11th March. Nominations for this event close on Friday 10th February.
Nominations received at this time – 32 – Michele Blavius, Sarah Franz, Bradley Jennings, Neil Keldoulis, Frank Packer, Scott Thomsen, Steve Thomsen, Kristian Walker, Lester Wilcox, Dion Wood, Brad Yarrow, Jim Cowley, Josh Harm, Tiffany O’Keeffe, Brandon O’Keeffe, Daniel Henshaw, Kuben Kunny, Taran Knowles, Ben Stead, Matthew McKeiver, Josh Arthur,Bradley Hoadley, Doug Rigby, Darren Brady, Mick Roza, James Brown, Jason Protheroe, Mitchell Slade, Tim Atkin, Kent Shelford, Brayden Andreassen, AaronSander
Nominations for this event closed Friday 10th February – if you have sent your nomination form and you are not on the above list please contact Pam Franz on 0417 137 740 urgently to prevent you from being charged a Late Nomination fee. It is OK to fax your nomination and bring the original to Gympie on Saturday night and hand it in .