Technical Memo Regarding Roll Cage size material
16/10/12…Pam Franz – press release from Speedway Sedans Australia
3 October 2012
All Divisions
Below is a memo/reminder that the following ruling must be adhered to at all times!
Roll Cage
All roll bar material must be of good quality mild steel, minimum AS 1163 Grade 300
Minimum size of 38mm OD x 3.0mm CHS. (Sonic test at not less than 2.7mm Absolute)
Clearly stated in all Division Specification Manuals under Roll Cages is this “MINIMUM”
requirement, Speedway Sedans Australia will settle for nothing less than the said ruling. If you have
any points of doubt in relation to this Memo, please contact your State Technical Representative on
the number listed below.
QLD – Bill Peall – 0407 791 449